kami seda kafi bud....... ta oo talash konad bekhabad

then he took off his shirt & said what the hell is worng with me

I got up

it was a nightmare that I''ve always scared of

shabe badi bud, iadam miad khub

the joy you get from your fears is irreplaceable

she just shut the door & got off

ieki ieki mimiran va in un chizie ke man iad gereftam

pas pa misham gheseie jadidi shor nemikonam, gheseie jadidi nist ke shoru konam

the bus comes, I get on & the bus driver goes: nice jacket, good morning & I smile.

7:00 am

Im sick of you

ur presence

ur death underneath my stinky skin

it's almost midnight, around 7:00 am & the sun goes: bia aram begirim

1 2 3

yek matarsake bichiz khane ra shokhm mizanad

chah siah mishavad

khabe panjere be boghzi vabaste ast

can u excuse me for a sec?